Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
2641 Advances in human genetics 0065-275X Plenum Publishing
2642 Advances in immunology 0065-2776 Elsevier
2643 Advances in insect physiology 0065-2806 Academic Press, Inc
81135 Advances in intellignent and soft computing
44638 Advances in mathematical economics
143240 Advances in mathmatics of Communications
118375 Advances in metabolic disorders 0065-2903
169217 Advances in neurobiology 2190-5215 Springer
10222 Advances in neuroimmunology 0960-5428 Elsevier
79606 Advances in nonlinear variational inequalities
22795 Advances in nutritional research 0149-9483
13436 Advances in polymer science 0065-3195 Springer Verlag
22790 Advances in second messenger and phosphoprotein research 1040-7952
10236 Advances in space biology and medicine 1569-2574 Elsevier
50078 Advances in surface treatments
43221 Advances in survival analysis, Handbook of Statistics, Elsevier, Amsterdam
278540 Advances in the History of Rhetoric
10241 Advances in the Study of Behavior 0065-3454 Academic Press Limited
10242 Advances in the Study of Entrepreneurship Innovation & Economic Growth 1048-4736
73695 Advances inWireless and Mobile Communications
79130 Advances of Mathematics of Communications
75014 Advances on Computational Intelligence
38190 Advancing Microelectronics International Microelectronics And Packaging Society
72 Advancing Women in Leadership 1093-7099 Advancing Women
2651 Advancing the Consumer Interest 1044-7385 American Council on Consumer Interests
896396 Advantage: the Magazine of CAGE Research Center
69826 Advences Strategic Management,
60628 Advences in Analysis
90491 Adventice
38191 Adverse Drug Reaction Bulletin - Italian Edition 0393-9499 CIS Editore
38192 Adverse Drug Reactions and Toxicological Reviews 0964-198X Adis International Ltd
182258 Advertising & Society Quarterly 1534-7311
513483 Advertising & Society Quarterly
2653 Advertising Age International 1524-8984 Crain Communications Inc
2654 Advertising Age's Business Marketing 1087-948X Crain Communications Inc
2655 Advertising World 0163-9412 Directories International, Inc
2652 Advertising age 0001-8899 Crain Communications
38193 Advertising and Society Review Johns Hopkins University Press
146326 Advies & Educatie SDU Uitgevers Den Haag
2656 Advocate (Boise, Id.) 0515-4987 Idaho State Bar
2657 Advocate (Los Angeles, Calif.) 0001-8996 Liberation Publications, Inc
2659 Advocates Quarterly 0704-0288 Canada Law Book Inc
232446 Advocatus 0124-0102
2660 Adweek 1549-9553 VNU Business Publications USA
2661 Adweek (Eastern Edition) 0199-2864 Adweek
38194 Adweek - National Ed VNU Business Publications
178831 Ae Agricultura y Ganaderia Ecológica 2172-3117 SEAE Soiciedad Espagnola de Agricultura Ecológica
376473 Aedon - Rivista di arti e diritto online 1127-1345
900684 Aedon. Rivista di arti e diritto on line
20840 Aegaeum - Annales d'archéologie égéenne de l'université de Liège et UT-PASP
110274 Aegyptiaca Helvetica 1017-5474 Schwabe & Co
152353 Aegyptiaca. Journal of the History of Reception of Ancient Egypt 2566-9419 University of Heidelberg
377349 Aegyptus 1827-7888
103037 Aeolian Research 1875-9637 Elsevier
182745 Aeolian Research
242026 Aeon Aeon media
10245 Aequationes Mathematicae 0001-9054 Springer Verlag
101693 Aequitas, Estudios sobre Historia, Derecho e Instituciones 2174-9493 Asociación Veritas para el Estudio de la Historia, Derecho e Instituciones
175363 Aequitas. Revue de développement humain, handicap et changement social/Journal of human development, disability, and social change 2563-1268 Réseau international sur le Processus de production du handicap (RIPPH)
95562 Aerlines Magazine
10247 AeroMedical Journal 0894-8321 Elsevier
132196 Aeroaging Weekly
10246 Aerobiologia 0393-5965 Springer Verlag
95177 Aerodefensenews 2103-3587 AeroDefenseNews SASU
2665 Aeronautical Journal -New Series 0001-9240 Royal Aeronautical Society
112084 Aeronautics & Aerospace Engineering 2168-9792 Omics Publishing Group
132461 Aeronautics and Aerospace Open Access Journal
136464 Aeronautics and Aerospace Open access Journal (AAOAJ) 2576-4500
864753 Aerosol Research 2940-3391 Copernicus Publications
121008 Aerosol Sci. Tech
439226 Aerosol Science and Engineering 2510-375X
10248 Aerosol Science and Technology 0278-6826 Taylor & Francis
154699 Aerosol Science and Technology 0278-6826
145480 Aerosol Science and Technology
121368 Aerosol and Air Quality Research 1680-8584 Taiwan Association for Aerosol Research
90661 Aerosol and Air Quality Research
119478 Aerospace 2226-4310 MDPI
2666 Aerospace America 0740-722X American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
38196 Aerospace Daily 0193-4546 McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Inc
101465 Aerospace Lab 2107-6596 Alain Appriou
101375 Aerospace Lab
924388 Aerospace MAI Journal
107034 Aerospace Medecine and Human Performance 2375-6314 Ingenta
109108 Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance 2375-6322 Alexandria, Va. : Aerospace Medical Association
10249 Aerospace Science and Technology 1270-9638 Elsevier
132535 Aerospace Science and Technology
181736 Aerospace Systems 2523-3947
2667 Aerospace Technology 0568-0727
60788 Aerotechnica, J. of Aeropace Sci., Tech. and Syst
127877 Aerotecnica Missili & Spazio 0365-7442 Associazione italiana di aeronautica e astronautica
182151 Aerotecnica Missili & Spazio
716736 Aesculape : revue mensuelle illustrée : lettres et arts dans leurs rapports avec les sciences et la médecine 0001-9569 Société internationale d'histoire de la médecine
113122 Aesthethika 1553-5053 Universidad de Buenos Aires
606954 Aesthetic Plast Surg
10250 Aesthetic Plastic Surgery 0364-216X Springer Verlag
10251 Aesthetic Surgery 1084-0761 Elsevier - Mosby
10252 Aesthetic Surgery Journal 1090-820X SAGE Publications
113356 Aesthetica Preprint 0393-8522 Centro Internazionale di Studi di Estetica
28238 Aestimatio
153177 Aestimatio. Critical Review in the History of Science
176942 Aestimatio: Sources and Studies in the History of Science 1549-4470
73 Aestimum e Pubblicazioni Ce.S.E.T 1592-6117 Firenze University Press
24154 Aestuaria
48944 Aestuaria. Cultures et développement durable 1624-7450 [Nantes] : Cordemais Estuarium 2000-2006
171788 Aetas
140440 Aeternum: The Journal of Contemporary Gothic Studies Dr Lorna Piatti-Farnell / GANZA
81078 Aethiopica, International Journal for Ethiopian and Eritrean Studies Hiob Ludolf Centre for Ethiopian Studies
283747 Aethiopica. International Journal of Ethiopian and Eritrean Studies 1430-1938 Harrassowitz
103141 Aethlon - Journal of Sports Literature 1048-3756 East Tennessee State University
84155 Aetyiopis
93077 Aevum Antiquum 1121-8932 Vita e Pensiero
114436 Aevum, Rassegna di Scienze storiche linguistiche e filologiche 0001-9593 Vita e Pensiero - Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia dell'Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
83604 AfO
226358 Afak for sciences 2507-7228 Université Ziane Achour de Djelfa
166341 Afaq Ilmaya 1112-9336
519919 Afaq althaqafah wa l-Turath 1607-2081 Juma al Majid Center
44574 Afers
55389 Afers (Valencia)
158685 Afers, fulls de recerca i pensament 0213-1471 Afers
52898 Afers. Fulls de recerca I pensament
62923 Afers: Fulls de Recerca i Pensament
162711 Afese 9789942995070 Servicio Exterior Ecuatoriano
156771 Affaires Agricoles 0838-8113
68297 Affaires stratégiques
738153 Affari Sociali Internazionali Franco Angeli
171106 Affective Science 2662-2041 Springer
158209 Affiche Paris-Europe (Европейская афиша) Association Art Studio Russie
554671 Affiches parisiennes
10254 Affilia 0886-1099 SAGE Publications
58101 Affinidades. Revista de leteratura y pensamiento
166053 Afghanistan 2399-3588 Edinburgh University Press
50742 Afghanistan info
33520 Afghanistan, ancien carrefour entre l'Est et l'Ouest
30386 Afghanistan. Patrimoine en péril. Actes d'une journée d'étude, 24 février 2001
42624 Afinidad 0001-9704 Asociacion de Quimicos
284104 Afkar wa Affak 2170-1431 Université Alger 2
775090 Afkar wa Affak Université Alger 2
101971 Afkar/Idées 1697-0411 Estudios de Politica Exterior/Instituto Europeo del Mediterraneo
156390 Afma Matrix
23476 Afnor-classeur-à-feuillet-mobile
80689 Afr J Pharm Pharmaco
41468 Afr. J. Mar. Sci
28455 Afr. J. Trad
55067 Afr. J. Trad. Comp. Alt. Med
59647 Africa : Revue des études et recherches préhistoriques, antiques, islamiques et ethnographiques [fouilles, monuments et collections archéologiques en Tunisie] 0330-8235 Institut national du patrimoine (INP) [Tunis, Tunisie] [1966-2017]
566146 Africa : Rivista trimestrale di studi e documentazione 0001-9747 Istituto italiano per l'Africa e l'Oriente (IsIAO) [1957-2009]
2669 Africa : an international business, economic and political monthly 0044-6475 Africa Journal Ltd. [1971-....]
674980 Africa America Asia Australia Bulzoni
10255 Africa Confidential 0044-6483 Wiley
130503 Africa Development / Afrique et Développement 0850-3907 CODESRIA (Dakar, Sénégal) [1976-....)
135663 Africa Education Review 1814-6627 UNISA Press (Pretoria, République d'Afrique du Sud ) [2004-....]
24466 Africa Geoscience Review
2671 Africa Insight 0256-2804 Africa Institute of South Africa
163476 Africa Journal of Physical Sciences 2313-3317 School of Physical Sciences. University of Nairobi (Kenya) [2014-....]
96316 Africa Matematica
69849 Africa Mathematics Annals
10256 Africa Research Bulletin: Economic, Financial and Technical Series 0001-9852 Wiley
10257 Africa Research Bulletin: Political, Social and Cultural Series 0001-9844 Wiley
173564 Africa Review 0974-4053 African Studies Association of India
826516 Africa Rivista di studi e ricerche 2612-3258 Centro Studi Popoli Extraeuropei “Cesare Bonacossa”, Viella
625923 Africa Spectrum 0002-0397
2673 Africa Today 0001-9887 Indiana University Press
152148 Africa Today
187138 Africa Trends Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses
33622 Africa Yearbook 2004 Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara
169582 Africa Yearbook Online
2670 Africa [Journal of the International African Institute / Journal de l'Institut Africain International] 0001-9720 Cambridge University Press (CUP)
98316 Africa e Mediterraneo 1121-8495 Lai-momo
175730 Africa is a country
150288 Africa mediterraneo
2672 Africa report 0001-9836 Africa Report
77423 Africa yearbook
132679 Africa, Nouvelle Série, Séances Scientifiques
81089 Africa-Mediterraneo
139318 Africa. Rivista semestrale di studi e ricerche 2612-3258 Viella
312910 Africa. Série Cahiers des arts et traditions populaires (CATP) [Revue du Centre des arts et traditions populaires] 0330-6860 Institut national du patrimoine (INP) [Tunis, Tunisie] [1996-2017]
152248 Africa4. Regards croisés sur l’Afrique Libération
149866 AfricaMonitor Intelligence AfricaMonitor Intelligence, Lisbonne
851481 Africain Scientific Journal 2658-9311
772791 Africain Scientific Journal
2674 African Affairs 0001-9909 Oxford University Press (OUP)
100996 African Affairs -London- Royal African Society
2675 African American Review 1062-4783 Johns Hopkins University Press
2677 African Archaeological Review 0263-0338 Springer Verlag
60681 African Archaeological Rewiew
175669 African Arguments
2678 African Arts 0001-9933 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press (MIT Press)
120868 African Banker
2679 African Business -London 0141-3929 Ic Publications Limited
166648 African Cities Journal 2673-4494 EPFL
474240 African Conflict and Peacebuilding Review 2156-695X
291002 African Crop Science Journal 1021-9730
52402 African Development
2680 African Development Review 1017-6772 Wiley
173480 African Development Review
109760 African Diaspora 1872-5457 Brill
93872 African Diaspora J. of Math
173742 African Diaspora Journal of Mathematics 1539-851X New Journal Zone
10259 African Economic History Review 0360-6333 JSTOR